A Setlist is made up of one or more Patches. Each Patch can include the Sounds you’ve selected along with some additional settings for Tempo, Transposition, and more that are discussed later in this guide. You can create new Patches from scratch or load existing Patches from the Patch Library.
Patches are always uniquely instanced, meaning that editing a Patch will never alter any other versions of it that may be in the Setlist or the Patch Library.
Creating a New Patch
To create a Patch, tap the Add Patch button , then select “Create a New Patch” from the menu. Enter the name for your Patch, then tap Save. Your new patch will be added to the Setlist and is ready for Sounds to be added.
Adding a Patch from the Library
Sunday Keys comes with many pre-built Patches that can be loaded from the Patch Library. To add a Patch from the Library, tap the Add Patch button , then select “Add a Patch from the Library'' from the menu. Use the Patch Library browser to find a Patch, then select it by tapping its name and tap “Add Patch”. The Patch will be loaded into the Setlist and is ready to be used.
You can also access User Created Patches within the “User Library” section of the Patch Library browser. Exporting Patches to the User Library is discussed later in this section of the guide. For more information, visit Exporting a Sound to the Library.
Duplicate a Patch
You can duplicate any Patch in your Setlist. Duplicating creates a new, unique instance of the Patch and changes you make to the duplicate will not affect the original version. To duplicate a Patch tap the Patch menu (•••) next to the Patch’s name and select “Duplicate Patch”. You will notice the duplicated Patch is added to your Setlist and is automatically selected and ready to be used.
Remember: All Patches are unique and duplicating a Patch does not affect the version saved in the Library or the original version that remains in your Setlist. If you would like to save any Patch permanently, you will want to Export the Patch. For more information, visit Exporting a Patch.
Renaming a Patch
Rename a Patch by tapping the Patch menu (•••) and selecting “Rename Patch”. Enter the new name and tap “Save”.
Remember: All Patches are unique and renaming a Patch does not affect the version saved in the Library. If you would like to save any Patch permanently, you will want to Export the Patch. For more information, visit Exporting a Patch.
Exporting a Patch
Once you have got that perfect Patch dialed-in, you can save it so it can easily be added to any future Setlist you may desire. To do this, tap the Patch menu (•••) and select Export Patch. In the Patch Library Browser, name the Patch then select the existing folder to which you would like to export the Patch or if no such folder exists you can choose to create one within the browser. Tap Export and the Patch is now saved.
Keep in mind that any further changes you make to the Patch within your Setlist will not update the version stored to your User Library. If you’d like to overwrite changes to the User Library version, you’ll need to repeat the export process.
Remove a Patch
If you no longer need a Patch in your Setlist, you can remove the Patch by tapping the Patch menu (•••) and selecting “Remove Patch”. At this point, you will be given the option to a) Save the Patch to the Library and Remove it from the Setlist or b) Remove it from the Setlist.
Patch Settings
When a Patch is selected in your Setlist, all its Sounds and settings will be recalled. There are a few optional behaviors you can designate per Patch by tapping the Patch menu (•••) and selecting Patch Settings.
With “Instantly Silence Previous Patch” enabled, any audio output from the previous Patch will be immediately muted when this Patch is selected, overriding the “Time to silence previous patch” value designated in the App’s Audio Settings.
With "Respond to Program Change" enabled, Patches can be recalled via MIDI PC messages. Set the number value to match the MIDI PC value that should recall the Patch.
Note: Some hardware sends MIDI PC in the range 0...127, while others are 1...128. The Sunday Keys App assumes a 0...127 range. If you find the Patch recall to be off by one value, you likely are experiencing this quirk; try setting the Patch's PC value to one less than your hardware is sending.
Using the AI Patch Builder
To find the new AI Patch Builder, just head to the App Store and update the App to the latest version. (AI Patch Builder was added in version 1.8.0 of the App).
- Create a New Patch and Select "Create with Patch Builder"
- Describe the Patch you would like in the prompt window. You can use the AI Patch Builder to quickly generate a Patch for a last minute Setlist change, as a weekly part of your Setlist building, and to explore inspiring combinations you wouldn't have otherwise.
- Try the Patch! All that's required to access the AI Patch Builder is an active Sunday Keys License and an internet connection.