
A Patch can include one or more Sounds that can be layered together or spread across the keyboard. You can add a Sound to a Patch by tapping an empty Sound Module and browsing to find one you would like. 


Sounds will load with pre-programmed MIDI and audio effect settings but can be highly customized to suit your specific needs. Common customizations will include adjusting the Layer Range of a Sound, adjusting the ADSR or Filter Settings, EQ'ing the Sound, and adjusting or replacing one or more of the MIDI/Audio effects.


Add a Sound

To add a Sound, tap the “+ Add Sound” button Add_Sound_button.png in an empty Sound module to open the Sound Browser.  Navigate the Sound Browser by tapping through the folders or use the search bar to find a Sound by name.  Tap the “Add Sound” button to load the sound.  


Use the Sound Module Controls

Each Sound module has a volume fader, one MIDI Effect slot, and three Audio Effect slots that can be used to dial-in just the right Sound for your song.  You can adjust the volume and Effects to dial in your Sounds.


Combining Sounds

Multiple Sounds can be combined within a Patch by loading Sounds into each Sound Module. 


Replacing a Sound 

If you find that you would like to replace a loaded Sound with a different Sound, you can replace it by tapping the Sound’s name to open the Sound Browser.  Once the Sound Browser is opened, find the desired Sound and tap “Replace Sound”.

Note: Once you tap “Replace Sound” replacing a Sound cannot be undone.


Removing a Sound

You can remove a Sound by opening the Sound Settings menu for that Sound.  To do this tap on the “sliders” button Sound_Setting_Sliders_Button.png for the Sound you would like to remove. After the Sound Settings menu is open, tap the “Remove Sound” button at the top-left.  Visit Sound Settings for more information on the other functions of the Sound Settings menu.

Note: Once you Remove a Sound, it cannot be undone.


Using the Sound Browser

The Sound Browser sorts the available Sounds by Sound type and character, making it easy to find the Sound you’re looking for.  You can also find your customized Sounds in the User Library area of the Sound Browser. You can browse the Sound types to explore or use the Search Bar to search for a Sound by name.  Once you have found the Sound you want to use, tap “Add Sound”.


We strive to update the Sunday Keys App Sound Library regularly  to include more and more content. You can use the Sound Browser’s “Check for Downloads” button to find content and product updates that are available from your account. Check often!


Exporting a Sound to the Library

After you have customized a Sound’s Settings and MIDI & Audio Effects, you may want to store the Sound in that state for use in the future, as an ingredient in any Patch you’d like. You can export the Sound with those settings to your User Library for easy recall.   To do this, open the Sound Settings menu by tapping the “sliders” button Sound_Setting_Sliders_Button.png, then tap “Export to Library”. 


In the menu that opens, you will be able to modify the Sound’s name, select or create the destination folder in your User Library, then when you’re done tap Export to save it to your User Library.


Sound Settings

The Sound Settings menu contains controls that allow you to tweak some of a Sound’s core character via the ADSR, Compressor, EQ, and other Settings. Changes made in the Sound Settings menu are temporary while the menu is open and aren’t saved to the Sound until you tap “Confirm”.  If at any point you decide to abandon the changes you have made, you can tap “Discard Changes” and the Sound will revert to its state from before the Sound Settings menu was opened. 



The ADSR pane allows you to adjust a Sound’s envelope filter by adjusting the Attack time, Decay time, Sustain level, and Release time.  

Some specific Sounds, pianos for example, do not allow ADSR changes.  For these Sounds, the ADSR tab will not be visible in Sound Settings.

Mod Filter

Some Sounds have an adjustable low-pass filter programmed to respond to the App’s Mod-Wheel.  In the Mod Filter pane, you can adjust the minimum and maximum frequency values that will be swept via the Mod-Wheel and also adjust the Filter’s Resonance if you’d like.

Some specific Sounds, pianos for example, do not allow Mod Filter changes.  For these Sounds, the Mod Filter tab will be hidden.

Keep in mind that perceived volume can be drastically impacted by the minimum and maximum values for Mod Filter. Adjust with intention!


The Compressor pane allows you to adjust the Sound’s built-in Compressor.  


The Equalizer pane allows you to adjust the Sound’s built-in Equalizer.  

The audio signal chain passes first through the Compressor, then the EQ. 


Block Sustain

Engage the Block Sustain setting to have a Sound ignore the Sustain Pedal.  This can be useful in some cases, for example- to ensure a Sound setup as a short lead will not sustain while allowing other Sounds such as a piano or pad to sustain. 

MIDI Input Transpose

Use the MIDI Input Transpose stepper to transpose a specific Sound up or down before the notes reach the MIDI effects.  Value denotes semitone steps.  Range: -60 to 60.

Be mindful that adjusting MIDI Input Transpose will transpose the notes received by any existing programmed MIDI effects.

Voice Count

The Voice Count stepper allows for tailoring the polyphony of a Sound.  Set to “1” for a mono-synth feel; Set to “4” or “8” for an old-school classic synth feel; Range: 1 to 64. 

Higher voice counts will increase processing power required of your device and may not provide any audible improvement. The factory Sounds include Voice Count values that will generally work for the use case of a given type of Sound. We recommend keeping Voice Count at factory settings or lower when possible, to ensure reliable performance on stage. 

Volume Fader Range

Use the Volume Fader Range setting to adjust the range of the Sound’s main screen volume fader. This is useful to dial-in a specific sweepable volume range for a given Sound, making it easier to do during a live performance.

Sampler Vol

Set a Sound’s initial volume with the Sampler Vol control.  Default setting is 0dB. If a Sound is too loud, you can reduce its Volume here. 

The Sampler Volume control adjusts the Volume before the Compressor, EQ, or Audio effects. 

Audio Output

Pan - The Pan setting allows you to designate a Sound’s stereo placement. Note that some audio signal will be lost as you pan either direction.

The Stereo Pan control is the very last step of the audio signal chain before the Volume Fader. 

Output assignment - All Sunday Keys Sounds are given a Flex Routing assignment by default.  If you'd like to override a Sound's assignment, you can select a different Flex Routing group or set a Direct Output assignment.  



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