How To Save a Channel Strip in MainStage

Follow the steps below to save a channel strip in MainStage:

  1. Open the Channel Strips by choosing View > Show Channel Strips or by clicking the icon in the upper right of your MainStage screen
  2. Click on "Setting" at the top of the Channel Strip you'd like to save. 
  3. Click "Save Channel Strip Setting"
  4. It's now saved. If you want to add this sound to a different MainStage patch, you can go to a patch, add a Channel Strip by using the "+" icon and then navigate to the channel strip you saved in User Channel Strip Settings: Screen_Shot_2022-04-28_at_2.33.41_PM.png


All the Channel Strips you've saved should be in "User Channel Strip Settings" in MainStage. You'll also find them in Music > Audio Music Apps > Channel Strip Settings > Instrument in Finder, this Finder folder mirrors it. 


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