MainStage 3.6.0 - "Assertion failed" error when combining Patches

There have been isolated reports of an "Assertion failed" error message when attempting to combine two or more Patches in MainStage 3.6.0 that has now been fixed in MainStage 3.6.1. Please keep reading for How to Update MainStage Safely. 

We highly recommend you always exercise caution and patience to ensure that any initial issues are worked out before you hit the stage with unproven versions of MainStage/MacOS.


If you're seeing the Assertion failed error message in MainStage 3.6.0, you have two choices:

1. Open a Time Machine backup of an earlier version of MainStage 3.5 - we currently recommend using MainStage 3.5.3 if possible. If it helps you decide, the Sunday Sounds team is continuing to build in 3.5.3 for now.


2. Update to MainStage 3.6.1 that was released on 5/4/22. In our initial testing of MainStage 3.6.1 the majority of 3.6.0 issues we're aware of (including this "Assertion failed" Error Message) appears to have been addressed. One open issue in 3.6.0 that doesn't appear to have been resolved in 3.6.1 causes Ultrabeat to not locate some of its Factory sample content. If you use Worship Beats Vol 2, 3, and 4 libraries in 3.6.1, this could continue to cause issues for you.


If you choose to update to MainStage 3.6.1, just make sure to backup your current MainStage build first by following the steps in this article.


Here's how to know if you've been affected by this issue:


If you're using MainStage 3.6.0 and attempt to combine two or more Patches together in any MainStage concert you may see a popup stating "Assertion failed" (pictured):


Pressing "Resume" will dismiss the message but afterward the newly combined Patch will not likely not produce audio. 

When attempting to Save your Concert after receiving this error, MainStage will freeze indefinitely until it is Force Quit.


What to do if you are affected by this issue: 


If you're seeing the Assertion failed error message in MainStage 3.6.0 and you have a Time Machine backup of an earlier version of MainStage, we recommend using that. We currently recommend using MainStage 3.5 if possible, and if it helps you decide, the Sunday Sounds team is continuing to build in 3.5.3 for now.


If you don't have a backup version of MainStage 3.5, you can update to MainStage 3.6.1 that was released on 5/4/22. In our initial testing of MainStage 3.6.1 the majority of 3.6.0 issues we're aware of (including this "Assertion failed" Error Message) appears to have been addressed. One open issue in 3.6.0 that doesn't appear to have been resolved in 3.6.1 causes Ultrabeat to not locate some of its Factory sample content. If you use Worship Beats Vol 2, 3, and 4 libraries in 3.6.1, this could continue to cause issues for you.


If you choose to update to MainStage 3.6.1, just make sure to backup your current MainStage build first by following the steps in this article.


If you have questions for the Sunday Sounds team, you can reach out to us here. 

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