Updating Mac OS and/or MainStage

After a number of updates from Apple, testing on our end, and what we've heard from many users, we are confident that Big Sur and M1 Macs work well for live performance. A majority of users have also reported solid performance using Monterey. 

We always recommend that you look to the manufacturers of the hardware you rely on to see them give the all clear before you decide to update your OS, or purchase a new M1/M2 Mac for live performance. Not all devices are compatible with M1/M2 Macs and OS versions.


If you want to update your MainStage version, then make sure to backup your current MainStage build first.

Click here and this guide explains exactly how to do so.

If you are updating MainStage to a newer version than you currently have, we strongly recommend that you:

  1. First create a zipped backup of your current MainStage version: Click here to learn how to do that.
  2. Then, go ahead and update.

Make sure to do a full Time Machine backup of your system before you update, as that will allow you to revert back to your prior OS if you run into any game-breaking issues.

As always, we strongly advise against using Apple's "Auto Update" feature.


Back up your Mac with Time Machine

MainStage 3: Best practices for updating

MainStage Release Notes

Working around MainStage Bugs and Issues

MainStage Loading Slowly

Sweetwater's Hardware/Software Compatibility Guides:

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