How do you map a control in Ableton Live (Midi Map)?

You can map almost anything in Ableton Live! Check out the video and instructions below to learn how to do it. We are demonstrating this inside our Sunday Keys for Ableton template, but you can do the same steps in any Ableton Set. 

You can also follow these steps to map a control, keep in mind that only controls (knobs, faders, buttons, etc...) that send midi can be mapped, so you may want to double check your user manual:

  1. Make sure your controller of choice is connected to your computer. 
  2. Open Ableton Live > Preferences > Midi - It should show your controller in the list. Make sure Track and Sync are turned off for your controller, and Remote is turned on. If it's off, click on it to turn it on or vice versa as needed. Now, close Preferences.
  3. You can midi map to basically anything. Click the "MIDI" button on the top right corner of Ableton.
    Now, click the control in Ableton that you want to connect your hardware control to - like one of the instrument macros for example. Now, move the physical control and if the mapping was successful, you should see the numbers on that macro change as you move your physical control. Click on the "MIDI" button to turn it off. Try moving that physical control again to see if the mapping was successful and does as you would expect, changing the sound.

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