I'm getting the error message "SFORZANDO Aria Engine is corrupted please re

This error message "SFORZANDO Aria Engine is corrupted please re-install" is very rare, but some users have received it. 

This rare issue can be resolved by doing the following:

1. Delete the Aria.bundle file.

To do this, you will need to access the hidden library folder, as the file is located in that directory.
You can access the hidden library folder by opening Finder, then choosing “Go” and then holding down the option key. While holding the option key, you will see that “Library” is added to that menu.

The file is located here: /Library/Application Support/Plogue/Aria/Aria.bundle

2. Reinstall Sforzando, then reboot your computer.

Here is the source for these instructions if you'd like to check them out for yourself. 



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