I'm in a country that doesn't allow access to Vimeo, how can I get started

Sunday Keys is fairly simple to set up- even without the Sunday Keys Resource Page, so here are some blogs and videos to check out that will help you find out everything you need to know to get started.

All you need to do is download the MainStage 3 sound library by choosing MainStage 3 > Sound Library > Download All Available Sounds

 You will connect your hardware and assign it in the same way you would any other hardware in MainStage 3, and then you should be set to start playing.

 We also have videos that demonstrate features of Sunday Keys on YouTube- and you can find those over on our blog.

 Finding patches in Sunday Keys

 Build a Setlist and finding sorted patches in Sunday Keys

 Here is a helpful video on CPU optimization

 Using Tonic in Sunday Keys

 Creating layered patches quickly

 Here is a helpful video on creating layered patches

 Ryan’s Sunday Keys workflow

 Ryan creating layered patches in Sunday Keys

 David creating layered patches in Sunday Keys

Joy creating layered patches in Sunday Keys

 How to Underscore with David and Joy

 Underscoring with Sunday Keys

 Go-to Layered patch in Sunday Keys

 Creating the perfect piano and pad patch

 You can find more videos too, on the blog- but those should help to get you familiar with Sunday Keys.

 While in the Edit mode, you can also click on any button or fader in the Sunday Keys four sections (orange, green, blue, and purple area) and see notes about what that fader or button does in the inspector area.


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