How to setup a livestream with Live Mixer for Sunday Keys
If you are using Live Mixer to do a livestream through your phone, you'll need a TRRS cable to run into your phone (with an iPhone you'll also need a dongle) and then your phone will read it as a mic!
When you plug the other end into an audio interface that’s just TRS (or use a TRS to TRRS cable) you’ll get signal.
If you'd like to learn more about the different cable types, check out this article.
For all the installation and tutorial videos for Live Mixer go here.
You can route the audio digitally:
You could also potentially use an application like Soundflower to route the audio digitally or if your audio interface has a control/mixer app that allows you to play around with the way audio is routed (the Focusrite Scarlett line comes to mind). But whether it’s easy for you to do would depend on the specifics of your hardware and your system capabilities.
If you are setting this up between 2 interfaces, follow these steps:
1. In MainStage, you can set the Outputs that you want it to record by going to "MainStage 3" > "Preferences" > "Audio..." and then choosing your desired Outputs under the "Recording" area.
2. I would set MainStage to record Outputs "1-2".
3. Then, I would check all of the channel strips that have the audio you are wanting in the recording and make sure they are set to send their audio to "Output 1-2"
4. Then you can go to the "Metronome" channel strip and send that Output to "Output 3-4".
At this point you've routed all of your audio that you want to be recorded to Output 1-2, and the only thing going to Output 3-4 is the Metronome. Now we just need to add all of the other audio to Output 3-4 as well so that you can use Output 3-4 as your monitoring output where you will hear everything, but not record that.
5. Go to every channel strip that is sending to Output 1-2, and in the Sends area, add a Bus (select a Bus that isn't being used already, like Bus 13). Then, still in that Sends Section, turn up the busses send to "+6.0" In my screenshot, the bus is named "Aux 10," but its ok if yours is named something different. Just note how the blue circle to the right is turned up all the way.
Repeat this for all channel strips sending to Output 1-2.
6. Now, find that bus channel strip (mine is called Aux 10, but yours might be called something else).
Change the Output of that bus channel strip to "Output 3-4".
Now you should be all set to go. You can hear everything from Output 3-4 (including the metronome), but will only record what is sent to Output 1-2.
Note: If you want to change the volume of anything in the Output 3-4 channel strip without impacting the Output 1-2 recording channel strip, you can change the amount of "Aux 10" bus send on any channel strip. For example, you might want the piano louder in the final mix, but quieter just in the monitor output feed. You would just turn down the amount of Aux 10 send on the piano channel strip(s).
Livestream in Zoom with Live Mixer:
The easiest way to route audio from MainStage to Zoom is going to be via Zoom's ability to share your computer's audio directly to Zoom. You will just need to make sure that the Audio Output device selected in MainStage is set to "Built In" Output. You can then use your headphone output jack to monitor audio.
Another way to accomplish this (if you want to monitor audio via an audio interface) is to use a "virtual audio cable" type of software such as Blackhole (a virtual audio cable). Blackhole is free and after installing it on your Mac, you will want to select "Blackhole" as the Audio Output device in MainStage. Then you will select "Blackhole" as the Audio Input device in Zoom. Check out this article for more.
The only downside with this simple routing setup is that you will not be able to monitor your MainStage audio (besides any monitoring solutions in Zoom). So, if you want to monitor with an audio interface, you will need to check out this video on setting up an aggregate audio device. Your aggregate audio device would be your audio interface and Blackhole. Click here to learn more.
Then you will send all of your audio to the Blackhole outputs (to get the audio into Zoom). Next you will setup bus sends on all of the channel strips that are sending audio and route them 100% to an empty bus (like bus 15). Then on that auxiliary bus channel strip, you will choose the output to the audio interface outputs. This will be your monitoring audio feed.
Here are some additional steps to follow inside Zoom in particular to check settings:
1. Start a Meeting
2. Screenshare your desktop once (make sure you choose "optimize screen share for video clip". You should find this option when choosing screens) - This will allow Zoom audio driver to install "zoomaudiodevice"
3. Close meeting
4. Go to MainStage -> Preferences -> Choose output as zoomaudiodevice
you can now test the setup by opening another meeting with the screenshare steps 1 and 2.
5. During the live meeting, you can choose another screen as long as the optimize option is active.
6. If you need to route mic, add a audio channel on MS and choose your input. (if you're getting feedback, make sure you mute the built-in output via Audio Midi Setup on mac or use a headphone)