Sunday Keys 2021 EXS24 Missing Instrument Error
If you receive an .exs error about missing Sunday Instruments sounds after downloading and installing Sunday Keys 2021 for MainStage, there are a few things to check:
- Make sure to do a full restart of MainStage. You'll want to make sure you did not have MainStage open when you ran the installer as that can cause issues. This corrects the issue for most users.
- Check to make sure the .exs samples were installed in the correct folder. To check this, open up Music > Audio Music Apps > Sampler Instruments. Within that folder there should be the continued folder structure “Sunday Sounds/Sunday Keys Samples”. If you see those folders please go to them and confirm they’re there and contain .exs instruments. If you are unsure that everything is there, send us an email so we can troubleshoot with you.
- Also check that sounds aren't missing in EXS24. Open the EXS24 instrument and make sure the sample is loading and it doesn't say "Missing"
If you have previously done something to alter your factory sound library like using either MainStage’s built-in “Relocate Sound Library” functionality or done one of the DIY methods like creating Symbolic Links this could be causing the issue for you and could be why it says "Missing".
- Hit “Refresh Menu” within EXS24. After doing so, you should also manually go through the EXS24 browser to reselect the EXS24 instrument for Sunday Grand (or whichever sample is missing. That path is "Sunday Sounds> Sunday Keys Samples> Sunday Grand Version 1_1”. (or you can see the path on the error message you received)
Check that your computer hasn't been affected by the Spotlight Privacy Bug: Go into System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy and make sure there isn't anything unexpected in the Privacy Settings for Spotlight. If this happens then MainStage can't locate the files.
If this happened, you may need to rebuilt the Spotlight Index:
If you try all of these and you still can't get MainStage to find the samples, reach out to us here with what you've tried so far.