I only see 20 patches in my Sunday Keys concert, where are the rest?

When you open Sunday Keys, you'll notice there are only 15 - 20 patches loaded into your template. We recommend you only keep the patches you need for a performance in your patch list, so we've also chosen to keep this patch list small with our most versatile 20 Go-to Sunday Keys Patches. 

Inside Patch Builder, you can find hundreds of new layered worship patches and variations of individual keys sounds built from the ground up. This intuitive preset browser is built into the very center of the template- this makes the patch building process so fast and intuitive.

When you run the installer for Sunday Keys, Patch Builder will automatically be placed into your Music > MainStage folder.

If you aren't finding Patch Builder when you open up your Sunday Keys concert inside MainStage, there are a few things to check:

  1. Is the "Patch Builder- Sunday Keys" folder here: Users > [your_name] > Music > MainStage > Patch Builder
  • If not, run the Sunday Keys installer again. Make sure to you see Patch Builder inside Music > MainStage. If you don't have a copy of the installer saved, you can download it again from My Purchases in your account, or reach out to us to get a new download link.

     2. Is View > Show Inspectors selected inside MainStage?

  • If so, you should see User Patches below the Workspace, and it should look exactly the same as your MainStage folder. 

     3. If you click the little gear to the upper right of the Patch Library, is there a check mark next to “Show User Settings"?

  • If this is not checked, User Patches will not appear in the Inspector.


Make sure to visit the Sunday Keys Resource Page to learn how to use Patch Builder! 

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