How do I use the Four Favorite Buttons in Sunday Guitar?
You can use the Four Favorite buttons in Sunday Guitar to instantly jump to any patch in your patch list. Check out this video to see how to set this up, or follow these steps below to set this up:
- Load in the patch you want from the browser.
- Go to the concert level by clicking the concert name right next to the orange folder at the top of the patch list.
- Then, click on the Fav 1 button. Next, in the inspector area, make sure you're on the “Unmapped” tab. I’ll choose Actions, then Jump to Patch. Click the dropdown list next to “Button On” and choose the patch you want this favorite button to jump to… the Transparent Drive patch. Now, click the dropdown list next to “Button Off” and choose the same patch again.
This first Favorite button will now instantly jump to the patch you've chosen, no matter which patch you have selected in your patch list.
If you want to setup the other Favorite buttons, just use this same process. You can also rename the favorite buttons too- by choosing the Layout mode. Select a Favorites button, and then change the name in the hardware label area.
Also, remember that TouchOSC is assigned by default to control the favorite buttons- but you could assign them to any physical midi controller button if you’d like. If you need a refresher on assigning you physical controller, make sure to rewatch Lesson 9 below or on the Sunday Guitar Resource Page:
For most users, this amount of functionality for the Favorites buttons is all you will need. However, if you’re a more advanced user, you can achieve a greater level of flexibility by adding mappings to these buttons at the patch level. This might be helpful if you have a limited number of foot switches, or if you have extra foot switches.
A patch level mapping will allow a Favorite button to jump to a different patch, than the one we set up earlier at the concert level- but only while we are using a specific patch in the patch list.
For example, this first Favorite button is currently set up to always jump to that first patch we set up earlier - let's use the Transparent Drive patch as an example. If you select the Transparent Drive patch, this function becomes somewhat useless- because you already have this patch selected.
So, for this specific patch say you want the button to jump to the Blended Drives patch instead. To do this, follow a few steps:
- With the Transparent Drive patch selected, select the Favorite button
- In the inspector area, check the “Override Concert Mapping” checkbox.
- Navigate to the Unmapped tab, and just like before, choose Actions, and then Jump to Patch.
- Click the dropdown list next to “Button On” and choose the patch you want this Favorite button to jump to… the Blended Drives patch. Now, I’ll click the dropdown list next to “Button Off” and choose the same patch again.
Now, when you have the Transparent Drive patch selected, the Favorite button will jump to the Blended Drives patch, but for every other patch the button will jump to the Transparent Drive patch.
A quick note: you can only rename the button to one static name- you cannot set the name of the button to change depending on which patch is loaded.
Also, if you remove a patch that a Favorites button is mapped to- that mapping will behave erratically, so make sure to also remove the associated “Jump to” mapping as well:
- Select either the concert level or a patch- depending on which has the “Jump to” mapping.
- Click the favorite button with the mapping.
- In the inspector area, choose the Mappings tab.
- Select the “Jump to Patch” mapping so that it is highlighted in blue, and then press delete on your keyboard.