How to start up a session in Sunday Mix for Logic Pro X

If you are just getting started with Sunday Mix, you'll want to complete a few steps to get your session started. Check out this video or the details below to learn how:

To get started, you’ll want to save this session as a template. Go to File > Save As Template, and re-name the session however you’d like. Then, exit out of that file, go to File > New From Template, and select your template there. Now you can save your session with the service date, song title, or any other details you’d like.

  1. Make sure the session Key, Tempo and Time Signature match the song or songs you will be mixing. This is so that you can incorporate some of the intuitive MIDI features we have added for you to use. You can change these specifications in the control bar at the top center of the screen. If you have multiple songs in your service, you can always change the tempo and time signature selections at different points in the timeline by using Global Controls. Go to Tracks > Global Tracks > Show Global Tracks, or use the keyboard shortcut “G.” Here you can place your cursor at different points on the timeline, and add changes at those points.
  2. Import your recorded audio stems. You can do this a couple different ways. Highlight all the files and drag them into the workspace. If you do this, you’ll want to select “Use Existing Tracks” in the pop-up. Then drag each region to it’s proper track. Or, you can drag and drop each file into it's respective track, which takes a little bit longer but keeps it more organized.
  3. As you are loading in audio stems, feel free to duplicate any tracks if you need more to fit the needs of your Worship Team. You can easily duplicate tracks by selecting the desired track, and hitting the Duplicate Track button at the top left of the workspace. You can also feel free to delete any unused tracks to minimize the amount of space used.

If you open up the Mixer, you’ll notice that all the tracks are defaulted to a level of -6dB. This is so that whether you’ve normalized your tracks before importing them, or if you haven’t, you’ll have plenty of headroom to mix your session without blowing out your speakers.

All the video tutorials for Sunday Mix are over on our Sunday Mix Resource Page.

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