Working Around MainStage Bugs/Issues
If you're having an issue after updating to a new MainStage version, click on one of the below articles for help:
- Uninstall / Reinstall MainStage- we've seen this correct some bugs like not being able to click on buttons, knobs and faders and other MainStage workspace controls. If you need help learning how to uninstall/reinstall MainStage, check out the section titled "Reinstall MainStage" on this page
- Restore an older version of MainStage from Time Machine- if you've used Time Machine to make regular backups, you should be able to revert to a previous version of MainStage
- Change the settings in MainStage's Sampler Preferences- this should shorten load times of EXS24 instruments inside MainStage, even though it might not eliminate problems entirely
- Manually remove patches from your concert via "Show Package Contents- this should allow your concert to open without trying to load the samples and then you can add patches back in
- Backup your Mac with Time Machine for ongoing protection
- Create a Backup Copy of MainStage and Use It
If you have an issue that isn't covered here, please reach out to us with your full computer specs - OS version, RAM, processing power, MainStage version, where you have your buffer set in Advanced Audio Settings and we can help troubleshoot with you further.